Over the last decade, the doors to space have opened wide to private launchers which consequently created opportunities to new stakeholders by developing and implementing innovative services and applications. However, this progress brought also numerous challenges - such as more complex space systems - and risks, like satellite collisions due to highly-occupied orbits. The on-going standardization in this domain aims to provide positive answer to mitigate these dares and, concurrently, to foster innovation within space organizations. This session will allow every participant to understand the process of standardization, the active technical committees, fora and consortia which are supporting space activities, and to identify the standards which are useful for his/her application.
- Be aware of the standardization process
- Know the main organization technical committees related to space activities
- Know how to search standards supporting participants’ activities
- Be aware of current standards and also the future developments in the field of space
- Introduction to standardization
- Definitions
- Usage and benefits of standards
- Development process of standard
- Standardization organizations
- Overview of standardization activities in space sector
- Overview of relevant technical committees from recognized standardization organizations and fora and consortia
- Presentation of ongoing standards development
- Examples of standards in several sub-domains (manufacturing, development, space communication protocol, etc.)
- National Standardization efforts
- How to become a national delegate
- How to contribute to the standards development process
Targeted audience
Professionals, researchers and students.
3 hours