White Paper Big Data - October 2016

Type de publication
Normes et normalisation
Date de parution
White Paper Big Data - October 2016
Langue : Anglais
Pdf - 5,26 Mo - 64 page(s)
This document aims at surveying current advances in Big Data and Big Data Analytics from two complementary points of view: a technical analysis perspective and a business and economic prospective analysis. Therefore, the document is intended for those professionals seeking guidance in one or both domains and can be used in its whole as a compendium where technical and IT governance aspects of Big Data are equally treated. Standards and technical standardization are also presented as an essential tool to improve the interoperability between various applications and prevent vendor lock in. They also provide interfaces between relational and non-relational data stores and support the large diversity of current data types and structures. Finally, some conclusions on Big Data are presented with an outlook on how to integrate them in the business environment to create value.

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